If you feel as if your energies are not within your control, they might be getting called away from you. Call your energies back to you, ground them, and protect them from being taken in the future. If you are seeking a powerful tool to ground and protect your energy, enlist the help of our Protection Intention Candle, mindfully designed to shield your energy and elevate your well-being.
What is a Protection Candle?
A Protection Intention Candle is a manifestation tool to enhance your grounding and protective intentions. We have carefully curated these candles using specific Crystals, Herbs and Scents to provide a protective aroma and energy to both the user and their space. All of the ingredients come together to help you first ground your energies, and then protect them.
What is in a Protection Candle?
Featuring a Black Obsidian stone, Clear Quartz chips, Rosemary, Bay Leaves and a bold, calming scent of Eucalyptus, this candle is thoughtfully made to capture negative energies and transmit them away from your space. Using the Black Obsidian feature stone along with and/or after using your candle is just one more benefit that it brings to the table.
Black Obsidian is a powerful grounding stone that is connected to the Root Chakra. This stone blocks negative energy and grounds it, promoting healing and the fostering of positive energies. Black Obsidian dissipates and eliminates negative energies, as well as promotes protection, all while stimulating growth for the user. This stone is a great addition to any crystal set or display.
We complemented the featured Black Obsidian Stone with Clear Quartz Chips because together, they are known to cleanse all of the chakras, promoting a clean slate for the user. Clear Quartz is also a powerful amplifying stone. It is the most versatile stone in balancing and cleansing out of any other crystal. It is considered a complete master healer, helping you to purify and protect your personal energy.
By pairing both Rosemary and Bay Leaves, they work together to protect your space, especially when burned as dried herbs. Rosemary has many protection qualities when burned, by clearing energy and bringing calmness to your space. The burning of bay leaves is an herb of peace and victory. It is known for balancing energy and soothing the user.
What truly adds all of these elements together is the bold scent of Eucalyptus. This candle has been said to remind customers of “a spa,” most likely for the protective mixture of scents that we add to create our Eucalyptus Scent Mixture, to fill the space with a protective aroma. Eucalyptus can cleanse and purify to protect any form of negative energies, from wherever they come from.
What are the Benefits of the Protection Candle?
Our Protection Candle works to help you first ground, then protect and finally, heal your energy. In order to eliminate bad energies from your space, you must first call all of your energies back to you. You can do this by speaking these affirmations as you light your candle:
“I call all of my power back to me now.”
“I am whole and complete.”
Once you feel that your energy is grounded, move towards using protecting affirmations. If you have something specific you can use a protection affirmation of your choice. If there is nothing specific, just a feeling or energy, you can use the ones that we use ourselves:
“I am safe.”
“The universe is protecting me.”
The most important thing to do when working with your energy is to ground it. Grounding your energy is essential to protecting it. Our Protection Candle is made with a piece of Black Obsidian specifically because it is a powerful grounding stone. Grounding your energy is essential to protecting it. Bringing your energy back to you is essential for lowering stress and normalizing levels of brain chemicals such as Cortisol.
We created our Protection Candle with healing properties because we know that when grounding and protecting your energy, you must be careful in how you take care of it. With the specific combination of Black Obsidian and Clear Quartz, these stones work together to balance and clear all Chakras from bottom to top. This allows you a clear energy space for healing.
Once your energy is healed, the emphasis should be put on Protection, and that is exactly what it gives. Combining the scents, ingredients and stones that represent protection for your energy, this candle is curated specially for those who need to ground, heal, and most importantly, protect their energy. It does this by shielding the user from any energy takers or from those who wish to take your energy from you.
Shield All of Your Energy
This candle is designed to help you gain control of your energies and essentially put them in a safe place for you to use and give as you see fit. Mindfully made with protective ingredients in order for you to use this candle as a tool to ground, heal and protect your energy. Light it thoughtfully, with intention, when you have a minute to take it all in and focus on what this candle can do for you.