what is thirty1stones?

Our Mission

Our mission here at 31stones.com is to provide an all-in-one place for spirituality beginners, and those that are interested in metaphysical supplies, such as crystals, herbs, candles and incense. 


We are here to provide the highest quality information in bite-sized pieces for newbies to easily digest while providing tangible, intention based products that are tailored to you and your needs.  We aim to make it easy to learn and take the information with you for the rest of your journey.

Our Team

Hello! My name is Madeline and I am the face of Thirty1Stones, our small business and blog based around metaphysical and astrological learning.  I hope to help others ‘start their journey within.’ 

I am in no way labelling myself as a professional in the topics that I talk about on this page, as I am only learning alongside the rest of you.  Though I do hope to one day be considered a healing professional, I must do some healing within myself before being able to help someone else in that capacity.

After being deeply humbled by turning my pointed finger back at myself, I have begun to look inwards and decided to not only document my learning and journey, but share it with others.


This company is mostly run by Madeline, but it couldn’t be done without the help of my sister, Megan, my mom, Lisa.  

inquires + support

we’re here, give us a shout

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