If someone walked up to you with a rock and said that it would change your life, you would probably have the same reaction as the Mother in “Jack and the Beanstock.” The topic of spirituality is trending, which means that the amount of information about it is overwhelming – especially for beginners. Our goal with 31 Stones is to provide easy-to-digest information, along with products and services to help others get started or enrich their spiritual journey.
The Amount of Information About Spirituality is Overwhelming
Due to the increasing popularity of spirituality, an overwhelming amount of information is available, making it difficult to discern what is accurate. Everyone and their Mother has their own take on the supplies they use and what they do for them. Spirituality is trending, so every other post has someone sharing their opinion on what works for them, giving advice that could be not only inaccurate, but it could perform worse for the next person using those practices. This gives us several definitions for each practice or item that we wish to work with, making it hard to figure out what is true, and what actually works for you and your needs.
The issue of the “definition telephone” is made immensely worse by social media. Having users get surface-level information, and not allowing themselves to dig deeper for the true meanings, gives us skewed definitions of the original information. More and more creators are coming up with their own takes on spirituality and it’s pretty easy to get caught up in their views and beliefs. Social media is an easy way to get quick information on a topic, but readers have to ensure that their creator’s resources are genuine and not intended for what works best for them instead of you.
It is difficult to change patterns such as these when it is so easy to consume and believe what you read, hear, and see on social media. When people don’t search further than Instagram Reels for information about spirituality, the results end up relatively similar, but when you go to do some in-depth research on the stones you buy, you find out that they have nothing to do with what you thought they did. It’s frustrating, but that is what you get from surface information. Everyone has certain spiritual items or practices that are specifically tailored to them and their needs, and when you have multiple creators saying different things, it’s hard to know what is general information and what is specific to them and their journey. With others’ opinions and guidance, it can be difficult to decide what works for you based on what you need.
The Amount of Information Spirituality is Overwhelming, and Frankly, Confusing
Having many creators with different opinions on what “works” leads to incorrect facts going viral, with those interested in spirituality taking them to heart because the number of views can initially look like some sort of credibility. People are being misinformed and spending time and money on the wrong things. Buying and tried items they were advised to buy on TikTok and getting frustrated when it does not work or help them. Quitting before realizing that spirituality is not about the items used, but about your mindset. Spirituality is not about what you have, but how you feel. Spiritual or metaphysical items, like crystals or incense, are simply just tools to help you on your journey. When you are interested in metaphysical objects, you must have the proper mindset in finding what you need and do proper research to find what will work for you.
It would be a real shame if you spent hundreds of dollars and countless hours in stores picking out the perfect crystal because Kimberly from TikTok told you it would change your whole life by buying it. To let your hard-earned money go to waste on something that works against you and your energy as it collects dust in your room, (which is totally what I was doing before,) there is so much wasted potential. There are so many definitions that it will make your head spin, and finding the right one can be tough, especially when you’re looking for the meaning that you want.
Your downfall could be due to the creators on social media, where you’re getting your quick information, your supplier, or even your own beliefs. Creators giving you their own takes and opinions and presenting them as factual can be harmful when you don’t conduct your own research to find reliable sources that have the correct information. I also find that when buying anything I often find myself getting information from the supplier, (by this I mean the person at the store, though I will often look up their direct supplier) which can be problematic if they are not properly educated on what it is that you ask about. Giving you more of a “what you’re looking to hear” answer rather than the real thing, or admitting they don’t know for sure. Spirituality is very focused on you and your own personal beliefs. If you find that one piece of spirituality works better for you than others, roll with it, if it works, it works! But if you find that something is not working for you the way you were promised, it can be easy to get discouraged and believe that spirituality isn’t for you.
What Can 31Stones Bring to the Table?
Our main goal is to provide readers with an informed, unbiased, non-religious definition of what metaphysical objects do for the user, as well as provide services to find which products and combinations would work for them. To take the confusion out of metaphysical shopping. We want to assist others in beginning or furthering their spiritual journeys. We want to help people find what works for them and their specific needs. Provide personalized information with accurate summaries of the true meanings to get the absolute most out of any metaphysical item you buy and use.
Those interested in spirituality will be able to get a clear, easy-to-read definition on what it is they’re looking for, and/or what can work for them and what they are trying to do. People with no prior experience or education in spirituality, to people with lots of information on the topic, can all benefit from knowing the true meanings and learning more about spirituality. The learning on your spiritual journey never ends, it is a constant state of learning what works and what works for you.
When armed with the right information and mindset, you may believe that you are ready to dive right into the world of spirituality. Some potential consequences to watch out for are fake materials, fake gurus, and getting overwhelmed by all the information out there. It is super easy to get overwhelmed when you spend ample time on something that you soon believe is not beneficial towards what it is you’re aiming for when in reality, there is no one-size-fits-all list for how to go about learning about spirituality and metaphysical tools. There is no one person who knows all, so claiming such a statement should be an instant red flag. Our teachers wish to guide us and allow for energy to speak through them, not come from them. They are simply transmitters, not creators.
By providing easy-to-digest information, services, products, and bundles that are specific to match you and your needs to get started with or continue your spiritual journey. We will give bite-sized information that is easy to read and understand, along with examples all of which are researched to ensure their verification. We will provide one-on-one services that help you decide what your spiritual journey looks like and what you want to start with or continue on. Products that are of the highest quality with hand-poured candles, incense, crystals, jewelry, and other pieces of that nature. With beginner-friendly bundles and make-your-own kits, we will fit you with the perfect setup to get you on your spiritual way.
Let’s Learn Together
Spirituality is overwhelming, I’ll give you that. We want to make it as easy and as laid out as possible so that the teachings of mindfulness and spirituality are more widely taught and more importantly, taught properly. If I could write a little to-do list for you, I would. (Let me know if you find one!) We’re here to provide quality researched information for all who wish to start a spiritual journey and have no clue where to start. We are the starting point for you. We will help others get started on their journey, as well as encourage others to further and enrich their spiritual journey that can truly change your life if you let it.